The EAS 7th EAS Paediatric Familial Hypercholesterolemia Symposium saturday, 25 May 2024

The EAS 7th EAS Paediatric Familial
Hypercholesterolemia Symposium

25 May 2024 | Lyon France

Organised by:
Noel Peretti, Jeanine Roeters van Lennep,
Bourbon, Kirsten Holven, Michal Vrablik, Olivier Descamps,
Marianne Becker, Urh
Groselj, & Steve Humphries
conjunction with FH Europe

Rare dyslipidemias in children: clinical presentation, genetics and management

D, FCS and Sitosterolaemia)
Is it time to lower targets for initiation and on treatment LDL
C in children with FH?
How to
maximise compliance and adherence to lipidlowering treatment in
adolescents with FH


PED FH meeting 2024

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